Midwest University

University with multi-campus locations across two midwestern states.


Ability to determine overall personas / attributes / characteristics of “student segments” had not been methodical due to systems limitations and lack of data insight. Additionally, they could not proactively determine target student acquisition efforts and create awareness initiatives to attract applicants. This effected the following segments:

  • Incoming applicants – those who had applied,
  • Existing student body,
  • Anticipated graduates, and
  • graduates (within the last 5 years.


Leveraging our highly optimized and rich data sources, we were able to design the ability to hone in to the desired geographically base personas and determine:

  • Who to connect with by attribute and characteristic and
  • Deliver an Omni-Channel communications approach (email, postal, voice, digital/social).


While this initiative is in process and will be ongoing across their 12 campuses, we have delivered:

  • A model of 58,000 attributes reflecting who all the student segments are, and
  • Ability to conduct a geographically based match of students that then translates to personas for new leads.

Conservaco Services Selected